It is about My Baby Girl and me ^^

This is the picture that we took last year at Sunway Summer plash Party ^^
The Summer plash party 2008 will held on 7th June 2008 (this saturday),But i do not have the ticket,so anyone can sponsor me?? haha..

I Met my baby in 2007 ....although i only know her for1 year..But our relationship is stronger than everyone ....
She is the Only Best Friend I Love The most...She never betrays me ...but always helps and accompanies me when i need her ^^ I love her so much........
Sometimes u may think...She is very hot temper...Or too straight forward..But everyone have their weaknesses....For me ..She is a Perfect Friend.......
Baby..I Love u ^^
Oh ya..I just view her old blog..found a post that she wrote for me...I love it baby...
I miss her blog,because she update her blog almost everyday..and i love to read her blog,because it is fun and interesting ^^ but that is her old blog.....will not use it anymore..
By the way....she got a new Blog !But ,it is useless..because she never update = ='
GOSH!!!!!!! Price of Petrol Risen by 40%
Oh ya ... The Price of the Petrol has risen by 40% starting today!!! Gosh....From Rm1.92 per litre to Rm2.70 per litre... It is a lot k...And i heard they said,it will hike more !!!
Gosh...a lot of people complain about it.....But Europe petrol is much more expensive..should think like we are so lucky here ^^ ..anyways..the petrol did not affect to me,because i don't have a car license yet.......can't drive yet ...
hahahaha..Anyway,best wishes for all the Car Driver ...
waaa~~~ so much pretties photos~~ xD
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
BB so cute~~~ *shy*
Know what I did? I just read Jesslin's entry about you, BB :)Friendship is a rainbow between two hearts <3 <3 It doesn't matter how long u've been holding on together, it's all about learning to love, to understand, and to forgive. BB? Judging to what she wrote about you, I dare to say that she loved you so deep. Really envy princes BB and Jesslin now :( Heh Heh... Just kidding honey!
Yes, you both are BFF! ^ ^ Good luck! *hug*
Lots of luv,
bbyin, my friend told me before if u want the roxy summer splash ticket.. u need to buy anythings from roxy.. then will get the ticket for free.. well that's what my friends told me.. i don't know if it is true or not ;)
wee well have a nice day bb ;)
fuel increae will only affect ppl who are in the lower class - middle range ppl...
so... pray hard that the government does something...
- Passer-by *CJ* -
邪恶天使: hello..hehe...thx 4 ur praise ya^^ hahaha.......i love those photo ^^
Barbie : hey barbie ^^ hhe..yay..i appreciate the friendship...^^
Like urs and mine..we are also best friend.....I love u also ^^
skycloud : oh ya..i heard it b4..but some of them get it free a lot of college student..they got free ticket...dunno how to get..last time i also get free ticket from magazine ...haha
To anonymous*CJ* : haha..can i know who are u???sometimes u have to mind your word ya^^ coz u may offense people are u a upper class people?? haha...
yeahh free ticket.. my friends got free ticket from seventeen magazines!
Naive thinkin that petrol price would oni effect mid-range n lower class people..
U stil haven know more..
Pm is goverment,dont u know?
Pray hard for wad?
Guess ntg will change unless...
Everyone would be hopin for that if u know wad i mean...
Btw,europe fuel might be much higher, but they hv cheap road tax,cheaper car price, no tolls.
If the man can do the same, i wun bother if he ever raise it to rm5.00 oso.
You love me too? and I am also your best friend? Even we haven't even met up? OH MY!!!! My dear princess BB! I'm on the cloud 9 now!!!! (^___^) Affection grows! The foundation of frnship has been uncounsiously built up! Why is that we can't even hang around :( *sob sob*
Barbie love princess BB loads!!! *Hug* Thks sweetie <3 Keep in touch ya? Otherwise, I gonna miss you :(
You look much more beautiful in those candid photos. Well, same thing applies with your best-friend of course. You two, look cute together =) BTW, I also added u up on my blogger's circle. Stay pretty still Princess BB, wink*
helo yinyin...
thanks for da compliment yea...
you looks sweetx3 ...and ... young... 17...
well, you should call me jiejie...coz im older than you for...erm...many many many years...
glad to meet you...
wish yea have a great great day yo*** cheers^^
hey are u going this summer splash?? i heard it was fun tho + there'll be lots of hawt hunks there... mwahahah... i bet my eye is gona turn round and BIG this time.. wat to do? i go for guys not girls.. =p so which mean i'm not lesbian + i'm still single. so yea.. hahahahax *cheers*
everytime i come reminds me of the Barbie Section in the Toys r' us!! hahaha oso pink pink wan
oh no. i got two ticket of summersplash. and im not goin 2ml. shud read ur blog earlier .haha
haha...your friend and you are lots cuter and chubbier back then... :)
princess bb, i hope tat u will giv me some opinion. i jus broke up wit my bf n his b'day is comin. it is on next sat. ta reason v broke up is he couldn't accecpt i fren wit my guy classmate n he jealous. n at the same time, i oso felt like i dun luv him anymore n i think tis is ta rite time to break up d. ta prob is i felt i vry guilty n hurted him alot cuz his b'day is comin n now i oni break up wit him. he tot i can celebrate his b'day wit him 1..n he cried. so i dunno wana get back togehter with him o not....hope u giv me some opinion. thx alot!!
Jason : haha..yaya...petrol is really rise up quite a lot..and i dunn why the CJ wanna said like this..mayb like to offense??who know..hahaha...btw..germany dun have tol fees.but their road tax is quite exp..hahahah...
Barbie : yup.i got the samw feeling with u...haha..stay turn to my something for you ya^^
bridge : hehe..thx 4 ur praise ya^^ really nice to meet u..hope that i will be inm Hawaii 1 day ^^
Siyu : yaya..Jie jie ^^ hehe..but u look sweet ^^ hehe......update ur blog always ya^^
Angela : i hope that i can go..but jesslin can't go with me..because of some i wont attend to summer plash party...wasted ..hahah..hehe....there will have a lot of handsome and pretty ^^
R You goin the party??
Teddy : hahaha..really??I love barbie so much ^^
Misswinnie :oh so sad..why u not goin the party ??it is fun ^^
ZZkang : hehe..tbx 4 ur praise...we are chubby baby ^^
Bubble : hey bubble...cheer up ya...I know your feeling ..i face to this kind of feeling before...
i got the same feeling..But after few times of break up...I know that ,LOVE is not that easy....No guilty ,no Pity ....coz this will hurt them really...Just leave it....if u together back with him,but u just simply pity him and feel guilty if u leave him...and at the same time ,u do not love him...
U all will break up again..and it will hurt more...I hurt my Bf a lot...because of my pity and guilty .......I am regret now...But anyways,we solve it..we just let go each other ..then we are best friend now^^
I hope that i advise can help u abit ^^
hello bb,
my day was good i guess..
its been a long time since u last come to my blog right?????
how about you?
shopping today???
i miss u too :)
my fren ask me to go lagoon tat day lar...@.@
but i rejected...
u got job???
yeahhh darling i will change it :)
yess i really love korean things....
i can say i really really obsessed :)
thx! princess bb! i feel alot more better..ur advice really helps me alot!! but me n my bf cant b best fren cuz he still cant let go of me n he just hate me alot now..
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