Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Gosh, I am addicted !! Venetian Macau !

Sunday, June 21, 2009
For you, My only and beloved BFF ...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Weird Day
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Life with Freedom is Cool
Last Friday, I went back to Malacca right after my exam. I had a very fun time in Malacca catching up with old friends and sharing on our future plans. I loved to talk about financial planning and financial freedom and that's what I talked most. One thing that I noticed was some friends of my age still no have idea of how their future will like. When I asked "What's your plan?" or "What do you want in life?". The common answer that I'll get is "Don't know. Study finish first then decide." But my friends, if you were reading this, I hope you would seriously continue reading and start thinking.
Study finish first. When will you finish your study? Common age - 22~24. What's next after study? Work / intern to get some experience, right? How long would that be? 2 years, 3 years? Before you realise, time passed and it's time for make a decision. But if you haven't been thinking of your future. The common decision again would be - just continue doing what I'm doing. Really, that's what happened to most people out there.
Start to think, what you want in life. NOT how you gonna do it, not yet. Just think of what you want in life. What house you wanna live in, what car you wanna drive, what foods you like to enjoy, what about your parents, how much you wanna give them every month? Just what you want in life. Because WHY comes before HOW. If you know why, you would know how.
The conventional way is HOW HOW HOW, never about WHY. To make more money is not a WHY. Everyone wants to have MORE money. But WHY do you want the money for? How much is enough? 99% of people don't make as much money as they want because they don't know why are they working so hard for.
As for me, my WHY is simple:
I want to be FINANCIALLY FREE so that I have TIME and MONEY to do things that I love. Many millionaires are rich but not wealthy. They have money but no time. They have big house but often the house is just like a hotel. They have big cars but often the Ferrari are like antique in the garage. Not that they don't drive to work but simply they are overseas for business most of the time. I don't want to be RICH, I want WEALTH. If you give me $1million every month for me to work for you for 10 hours a day. I'll pass. I rather earn less and be free. Free to do spend my time with family and friends.
Some friends are even cuter. They asked," KahYong, why the hell you want to be financially free? Don't you think life's boring when it's too free?" How could life be boring when you do the things that you love? Life with a full time job is boring. Life with freedom is cool. I could enjoy time with family. We could go travel around the world anytime. I play golf anytime I like. I scuba dive anytime I like. I read books, I attend any workshop for personal growth in any fields that I love, be it sports, finance, personal development, nutrition and health, music instruments. I do charity. I help people to find their dreams. I contribute to the society. I do anything I enjoy anytime I like. Now, this is wealthy.
Imagine, if you are FREE from financial and time contraint, what would and what could you do? Now, that's the future that you are looking forward to.
Your achievement would just be as big as your dreams, and not bigger. If you dream to be a millionaire, you will never become billionaire. So, why not dream to be a billionaire? Why not dream to live in big bungalows? Why not dream to drive sport cars? Why not dream?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
New Baby added into my wardrobe

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Disney wedding ceremony again ......

Tale as old as time.........True as it can be....Barely even friend, then somebody bends.... Unexpectedly...........
If you guys had read my previous blog post, u should know that I wrote about my dream wedding ceremony at my blog last year.
click on the link and read it
Why today I am still talking about it ????? Oh that's because I just watched a New HongKong Drama, which they filmed part of their drama @ Hong Kong Disneyland. It was about a Wedding Ceremony also...Gosh...The director/script writer had the same thinking as me ...We LOVE Disneyland..
We wanna have our wedding ceremony at the Land of Magic/ Happiness !!

(the wedding part is in Episode 4)
Gosh, when I watched the part (wedding@ disneyland), I cried non stop. It was really very touching....It was my Dream, My Dream Wedding Ceremony with my beloved Prince....
After this, I set up my mind strongly !!!!!! I Will only have my Wedding Ceremony @ Disneyland, Or Not, I don't marry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Assignment, Design