Venue : The Private Villa @ Afamosa
Party type : Poolside party
Time : 7pm onwards
Dresscode : Disney/ Gothic (Disney element is a must)
Date : 15th August 2009 (Saturday )
Invited guests are entitled to get :
-Free transportation
-Party Meals
-Ticket Fees
To prevent LALA style from happening, below is the example or explanation of the dress code
Dresscode Example: Actually Disney always gives us a cheerful image, a happy and wonderful land of happiness, but now, we would make it different which will turn out to be like Halloween Disney,
Example : U dress as Winnie the Pooh but with some black accessories or make your costume become more gothic style, like yellow Winnie turn out to be "black" Winnie ...
Or if you are not really clear with it, just dress as Halloween style or Hawaii in Disney ^^
quite grand with your birthday party
Not bad...u eventually putting disney style in ur party without going to disneyland
Wow, this is a super big birthday party!
hey i seriously cant attend ur bday party ! sorry lar wey T.T * crossing fingers * ;)
henry : LOL>>>>I love it so much!!! haha
Akira : Ermmm.......I hope so...LOL
CK : ya..u can't make it..U can't make it "crossing finger"
I didn't know you're so young. Hahaha... Happy 19th birthday!!!!!
Oi, am I invited????
Jerine : LOL==' ....hahah..how old u thought i am ???
Of course u r invited if u can make it..where r u now?
wow .. such a big birthday party ...
hehe XD .. all the best for the event .. happy birthday to u 1st ^^
happy birthday to you...wow ur party sure be very fun ...i think the organiser will help u to planing very nice and fun...
I am angel : Hi sweety ..Thx 4 ur wish ya ...^^
Darkhoe : Thx Jiahao....without u ..i will be very headache to organize it..u know..I hate plan party and call 1 by 1 to invite people...LOL...and the decoration idea is great...hope to see that ...
I thought you're about 21, or 22. And that's already young for me. Hahaha... I'm back in Aussie already :( BTW, my old house was one of the A'Famosa resort villa. I'm not sure if you get "my house".
jerine : huh??? U stay in afamosa ??? then how u get to school?? there is so far away from town??
hahaha... happy birthday AGAIN! lol
i guess ill be flying above your party venue la! got flight on that day, same time.. hehe.. =D
Bryan : LOL..what a coincidence , so will u stay in malacca on that night ???????
haha.. as in ill be flying OVERHEAD malacca! subang-johor-subang hehe
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